Thursday, 2 January 2014

Getting Started

Yeah! I've been selected for the 23rd World Scout Jamboree in Japan in 2015.

Wiltshire is being represented by a unit of 27 scouts and explorers, selected from a short list of 100, and I am one of them.

23rd World Scout Jamboree
The selection process started with a camp at Youlbury over a weekend. We were put into groups of about 15 and went to different workshops throughout the camp. The workshops included juggling, litter picking, camp fire sketches and many more fun activities. After we had finished several workshops we had lunch. Afterwards our groups changed into groups of 5, which were to be the groups we slept in. Each group had a tent, brought along by one of the members, and we constructed it in the field.

We had several more workshops afterwards and we finished the day by everybody joining in a wide game. (A wide game is basically a game that is played over a wide area. Simple.) In this wide game we had to hunt for hidden leaders and get a word from them. Once you found all of the words you had to rearrange them into a sentence.

Throughout the weekend we were marked by 14 external observers who marked us on our enthusiasm, teamwork, tenacity, cheerfulness and enjoyment.  These scores were averaged and the top 27 were chosen!

Let the fundraising begin!

We now have to raise £3500 each for the upcoming event, which includes a contribution towards a solidarity unit from a country that would not be able to afford to send their scouts. we have started with a bag pack at Tesco before Christmas and raised £1400 as a unit.  We are now looking for more ideas to raise funds.

Can you help me?
You can a make a donation to my fund raising by visiting our online giving page on My Donate

We are collecting postage stamps to sell in bulk, please collect any stamps and pass them to me when you see me.

Details of more fund raising events will follow on here.

Be prepared!!


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